Forbidden Forest Business Promotions Survey

The Department of Economic Development is excited to support the return of Harry Potter: A Forbidden Forest Experience at Morven Park! We invite your business to be part of this magical event by offering Harry Potter-themed promotions. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your business, engage with the influx of visitors, and be featured in our department’s marketing efforts.

Please complete the form below to share details about your Harry Potter-inspired promotions. Let’s work together to make this year’s Forbidden Forest Experience an enchanting success for our business community!

Promotions must begin by October 26th and last the duration of the Forbidden Forest Experience. Currently,  Harry Potter: A Forbidden Forest Experience is scheduled through December, though there is the possibility of extending the dates into February.

Please note that information submitted to the Town of Leesburg via the Town website may be subject to Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Please provide the following information about your business's promotion.