Land Development Process

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The commercial land development process in the Town of Leesburg has three stages:

Land Use (Zoning) Applications

If the desired use is not allowed under the property’s current zoning, a property owner may request a change to the property’s allowed land uses through a Rezoning and/or Special Exception application. Initially reviewed by staff with a recommendation to the Planning Commission, these applications are ultimately approved or denied by the Town Council.


The  rezoning application requests a change to the property’s zoning, the designated use district, as shown on the Town’s Zoning Map, and can also be a revision to an approved rezoning to change conditions of approval, to change proffers offered by the applicant or a previous owner, or to revise the layout of the proposed development.

Special Exceptions

These applications request to permit certain uses not allowed “by right”, having been identified, due to the nature, design, or location as having the potential for adverse impact upon adjacent properties, as well as the health, safety, and welfare of the community.

Land use applications are handled by the Planning & Zoning Department.

Site Plans and Subdivision Plans

Once the desired use is allowed on the property, the next step in the land development process is to submit a Land Development Application, along with detailed engineering drawings, plats, traffic studies and other supporting documentation required. 

Site Plans

All commercial projects require a Site Plan, but the Town of Leesburg offers Mini and Minor Site Plan processes for smaller projects. Plan Review staff can assist in determining which application is appropriate. Before an application is accepted, it must meet the Town’s Minimum Submission Checklist requirements for a Site Plan Application package. For first time submissions in Leesburg, we recommend scheduling a pre-application meeting with Plan Review staff.

Subdivision Plats

Commercial projects that involve subdividing property into multiple parcels require a Subdivision Plat application. The Town’s Subdivision and Land Development Regulations (SLDR) provide for several alternatives which may be used to subdivide property. We recommend that applicants meet with Plan Review staff to discuss potential options prior to the preparation of any subdivision plat or related construction plans.

Land development applications are handled by the Department of Plan Review.

Zoning, Building & Occupancy Permits

All building permits for projects in the Town of Leesburg are issued by the Loudoun County Department of Building and Development. Before Loudoun County will issue a building permit, you will need a Zoning Permit from the Town, verifying that the project meets the minimum requirements of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance.

Loudoun County also issues occupancy permits for new and renovated structures. The Leesburg Department of Public Works inspects site construction (paving, curbs, entrances, lighting, storm drainage, etc.) to ensure compliance with the Town’s Design and Construction Standards, prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit by Loudoun County.

Development Tool Box

Your one stop location for information regarding how to submit a Rezoning or Special Exception Application in the Town of Leesburg!


A Rezoning application is a request to change a property’s zoning, the designated use district, as shown on the Town’s Zoning Map. This application can also be a revision to an approved rezoning to change conditions of approval, to change proffers offered by the applicant, or to revise the layout of a proposed development.  A Rezoning application can be initiated by the Town Council, but in most cases is filed on behalf of the property owner or agent thereof. Occasionally, a Rezoning application may also be accompanied by a Town Plan amendment application or a Special Exception application. After review by staff, Rezoning applications are reviewed by the Planning Commission who will issue a recommendation to be considered by the Town Council through their decision process. The Town Council has discretionary power to approve or deny any application.

Please refer to the Rezoning Application Procedural Manual for more detail of the review and time frames of processing Rezoning applications or view our frequently asked questions. Our Fee Schedule provides information regarding the costs associated with processing a Rezoning application. For additional information, please contact the Department of Planning & Zoning at 703-771-2765.

Special Exceptions

A Special Exception or Minor Special Exception application is a request to permit certain uses not allowed “by-right”. These uses may not be permitted “by-right” because of the potential for adverse impacts upon adjacent properties and the health, safety or welfare of the community due to their nature, design or location. Special Exception applications are initially reviewed by staff, with a recommendation to the Town Council made by the Planning Commission; however, the Minor Special Exception process does not require review by the Planning Commission prior to the Town Council public hearing. The Town Council has discretionary power to approve or deny any application.

Please refer to the Special Exception Application Procedural Manual for more detail regarding the review process for Special Exception applications or view our frequently asked questions. Our Fee Schedule provides information regarding the costs associated with processing a Special Exception application. For additional information, please contact the Department of Planning & Zoning at 703-771-2765.

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