Zoning is the process of classifying land into areas known as “zones” or “districts” for the purpose of prescribing regulations concerning building and structure placement, as well as uses for land, buildings and structures. Zoning standards preserve and improve the quality of the community through sound land use planning, code enforcement, neighborhood regulations, and education.
Zoning Ordinance
The Town adopted its Zoning Ordinance to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents and businesses in Leesburg, to advance the objectives set out in Section 15.2-2200 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and to implement the Town Plan.
Staff is responsible for administering and interpreting the regulations contained in the Zoning Ordinance, including the types of buildings constructed on lots, placement and height of structures, land uses and density of development permitted, number of parking spaces required, size and placement of signs, and other land use regulations.
For Permit document links, fees, and other information, please visit our Permit Applications Page.
Looking for the Zoning District assigned to a Particular Parcel?
Our Interactive Zoning Map provides an overall look at the zoning districts within the Town with the capability of searching by address or zooming in on a particular location and linking directly to the use information for each district. If you are looking for additional tax data for a particular parcel, you can search by property address, property identification number or tax map number with the Loudoun County WebLogis mapping system. Just click on the “Search” tab to enter your information.
If the parcel you are searching returns as CDD (Crescent Design District), our Crescent Design District Map will show you the zoning categories by address point.
Our Historic District Map and Interactive Gateway District Map can help you determine whether your parcel is located within one of our overlay districts.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our zoning staff for assistance.
Legislative Application
Procedures and submission requirements for submission of Rezoning and Special Exception applications can be found in our Development Tool Box.